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The Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research (ICER)
20th Anniversary
For HPCC Users
Education and Events
A Process-Based, Distributed Hydrologic Model Based on a Large-Scale Method for Surface - Subsurface Coupling, Advances in Water Resources
Accuracy of the new pairing theory and its improvement
A Census of Star-Forming Galaxies in the z~9-10 Universe based on HST+Spitzer Observations Over 19 CLASH clusters: Three Candidate z~9-10 Galaxies and Improved Constraints on the Star Formation Rate Density at z~9.2
Adapting MODIS-derived LAI and fractional cover into the RAMS model for East Africa
Aggregation of α-synuclein is kinetically controlled by intramolecular diffusion
A hierarchical analysis of habitat area connectivity and quality on amphibian diversity
A High-Order Finite-Difference Method for Numerical Simulations of Supersonic Turbulent Flows
A landscape and climate data logistic model of tsetse distributions in Kenya
Alternative splicing of a multi-drug transporter from Pseudoperonospora cubensis generates an RXLR effector protein that elicits a rapid cell death.
A magnified young galaxy from about 500 million years after the Big Bang
A Parallel Space-Time Algorithm
Approximate kernel k-means: solution to large scale kernel clustering
A rare earth metallocene containing a 2 2 azopyridyl radical anion
Atomistic Origins of Biomass Recalcitrance in Organosolv Pretreatment
Beyond NomBank A Study of Implicit Argumentation for Nominal Predicates
bonds bands and band gaps in tetrahedrally bonded ternary compounds
Calling to Be Your Best Your Calling to Science
CLASH: Discovery of a Bright z ~= 6.2 Dwarf Galaxy Quadruply Lensed by MACS J0329.6-0211
CLASH: Mass Distribution in and around MACS J1206.2-0847 from a Full Cluster Lensing Analysis
CLASH: Mass Distribution in and around MACS J1206.2-0847 from a Full Cluster Lensing Analysis
CLASH: New Multiple Images Constraining the Inner Mass Profile of MACS J1206.2-0847
CLASH: New Multiple Images Constraining the Inner Mass Profile of MACS J1206.2-0847
CLASH Precise New Constraints on the Mass Profile Galaxy Cluster A2261
CLASH: The Enhanced Lensing Efficiency of the Highly Elongated Merging Cluster MACS J0416.1-2403
CLASH The Enhanced Lensing Efficiency of the Highly Elongated Merging Cluster MACS J04161-2403
CLASH Three Strongly Lensed Images of a Candidate z 11 Galaxy
Climate Change and Risk Projection Dynamic Models of Tsetse and African Trypanosomiasis in Kenya
Comparison of Electron Capture Rates in the N = 50 Region using 1D Simulations of Core-collapse Supernovae
Comparison of image segmentation methods in simulated 2D and 3D microtomographic images of soil aggregates
Computational study of the thermal conductivity in defective carbon nanostructures
Computing the Relative Affinity of Chlorophylls a and b to Light-Harvesting Complex II
Conformational Sampling of Influenza Fusion Peptide in Membrane Bilayers as a Function of Termini and Protonation States
Conformational Sampling of S- and R-Warfarin in Polar Solvents Implications for Stereoselective
Coordination of Vision and Action in Chameleons
CLASH Three Strongly Lensed Images of a Candidate z 11 Galaxy
Curcumin Prevents Aggregation in α-Synuclein by Increasing Reconfiguration Rate
CyberGreen: Hands-On Engineering Research in Sustainability and Supercomputing
Defect-induced rigidity enhancement in layered semiconductors
Designing Electrical Contacts to ${\mathrm{MoS}}_{2}$ Monolayers: A Computational Study
determining the rp-Process flow through 56Ni
Development of the tangent linear and adjoint models of the global online chemical transport model MPAS-CO2 v7.3
Development and evaluation of CO2 transport in MPAS-A v6.3
Different Truths in Different Worlds
Diffusion in Intact Secondary Cell Wall Models of Plants at Different Equilibrium Moisture Content
Direct generation of protein conformational ensembles via machine learning
Doping dependence of electronic and mechanical properties of GaSe_{1−x}Te_{x} and Ga_{1−x}In_{x}Se from first principles
Dynamics of Performing and Remembering Organizational Routines
East African Food Security as Influenced by Future Climate Change and Land Use Change at Local to Regional Scales
Effect of membrane thickness on conformational sampling of phospholamban from computer simulations
Effects of crossflow velocity and transmembrane pressure on microfiltration of oil-in-water emulsions
Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Study of Lattice Thermal Conductivity/Conductance of Au-SAM-Au Junctions
Escherichia coli rpoB mutants have increased evolvability in proportion to their fitness defects
Estimating wounding of lake trout by sea lamprey in the upper Great Lakes: Allowing for changing size-specific patterns
Evaluating DEM source and resolution uncertainties in the Soil and Water Assessment Tool
Evaluating error propagation in coupled land-atmosphere models
Evaluation of estimating daily maximum and minimum air temperature with MODIS data in east Africa
Evolution and stability of altruist strategies in microbial games
Expression profiling of Cucumis sativus in response to infection by Pseudoperonospora cubensis
Fame on Sale: Pitfalls of the Ranking Game
Gadget Avalanche: A Technology Literacy Course for Novice Adults
Galaxy Clusters at the Edge: Temperature, Entropy, and Gas Dynamics Near the Virial Radius
Galaxy Cluster Radio Relics in Adaptive Mesh Refinement Cosmological Simulations: Relic Properties and Scaling Relationships
Gill bacteria enable a novel digestive strategy in a wood-feeding mollusk
Global variations of Earths 520 and 560km discontinuities
Guanidinate Rare-Earth Tetraphenylborate Complexes and Their Prospects in Single-Molecule Magnetism
Helicity in Ropes of Chiral Nanotubes Calculations and Observation
Heteroleptic Rare-Earth Trismetallocenes Containing a Dibenzocyclooctatetraene Dianion
High-precision B(E2) Measurements of Semi-Magic 58,60,62,64Ni by Coulomb Excitation
High-resolution two-proton stripping to 2p
Host plant-specific remodeling of midgut physiology in the generalist insect herbivore Trichoplusia ni
Ice Cover Winter Circulation and exchange in saginaw bay and lake huron
Implicit Parallel Time Integrators
Implicit Parallel Time Integrators
Information Content of Colored Motifs in Complex Networks
Information-theoretic characterization of the complete genotype-phenotype map of a complex pre-biotic world: Comment on “From genotypes to organisms: State-of-the-art and perspectives of a cornerstone in evolutionary dynamics
Interfacial friction between semiflexible polymers and crystalline surfaces
Intra-aggregate pore characteristics: X-ray computed microtomography analysis
Intra-aggregate pore structures are related to total C distribution within soil macro-aggregates
Investigating whether HyperNEAT produces modular neural networks
Ion-Ion Interaction Induced Nondispersive Dynamics in an Electrostatic Ion Beam Trap
Isolation of the elusive bisbenzimidazole Bbim3- radical anion and its employment in a metal complex
Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Methane Jet Flames with Filtered Mass Density Function
Large Eddy Simulation of Evaporating Spray with a Stochastic Breakup Model
Large Eddy Simulation of Spray Mixing and Combustion with Two-Phase Filtered Mass Density Function
Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Spray Breakup and Evaporation
Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Flows in Internal Combustion Engines, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Large Low-Energy M1 Strength for 5657Fe Within the Nuclear Shell Model
Large-Scale Simulations of Supersonic Turbulent Reacting Flows
Large -Scale Simulations of Incident Shock-Turbulent Boundary Layer Interactions
Lessons Learned When Building a Greenfield High Performance Computing Ecosystem
Lignin Nanoparticle Morphology Depends on Polymer Properties and Solvent Composition: an Experimental and Computational Study
Linear Electron-Rich Homoleptic Rare Earth Metallocene and Its Redox Activity
Local and Global Radiative Feedback from Population III Star Formation
Long-Range Electron Transport Rates Depend on Wire Dimensions in Cytochrome Nanowires
Long-term differences in tillage and land use affect intra-aggregate pore heterogeneity
manifold methods for assimilating geophysical and meteorological data
Mass Measurements of the Neutron-Deficient 41Ti, 45Cr, 49Fe, and 53Ni Nuclides: First Test of the Isobaric Multiplet Mass Equation in fp-Shell Nuclei
MatFEA: Efficient Finite Element Framework for Analyzing Pavement Structures With Nonlinear Unbound Materials
Mathematical modeling of disinformation and effectiveness of mitigation policies
Medical image-based simulation of abdominal aortic aneurysm growth
Methylmercury MeHg disrupts fluo4 fluorescence in cerebellar slices from GABAA receptor alpha6 mice
Modeling the combined effect of surface roughness and shear rate on slip flow of simple fluids
Molecular simulation of lignin-related aromatic compound permeation through gram-negative bacterial outer membranes
Molecular diffusion and slip boundary conditions at smooth surfaces with periodic and random nanoscale textures
Molecular dynamics simulations of oscillatory Couette flows with slip boundary conditions
Molecular Dynamics Study of Thermal Transport in GaAs-SAM-GaAs Junctions with Ab-initio Characterization of Thiol-GaAs Bonds
Molecular dynamics study of thermal transport in GaAs-self-assembly monolayer-GaAs junctions with ab initio characterization of thiol-GaAs bonds
mRNA-Seq analysis of the Pseudoperonospora cubensis transcriptome during cucumber Cucumis sativus
Multi-Binding Sites United in Covalent-Organic Frameworks (MSUCOF) for H2 Storage and Delivery at Room Temperature
Multi-label Multiple Kernel Learning by Stochastic Approximation: Application to Visual Object Recognition
Multi-label Learning with Incomplete Class Assignments
Multi-level Extension of the Cluster-In-Molecule Local Correlation Methodology: Merging Coupled-Cluster and Moller-Plesset Perturbation Theories
Nanoconfinement effects on the reversibility of hydrogen storage in ammonia borane: A first-principles study
Nanomechanical energy storage in twisted nanotube ropes
Nanoscale simulation of the thylakoid membrane response to extreme temperatures
Neutrinoless double-beta decay of 82Se in the shell model Beyond the closure approximation
Neutrino-pair emission from hot nuclei during stellar collapse
Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Study of Thermal Energy Transport in Au-SAM-Au Junctions
Numerical Investigations of Shock-Turbulence Interactions in a Planar Mixing Layer
Numerical Investigations of Shock Wave Interactions with a Supersonic Turbulent Boundary Layer
numerical study of high speed evaporating sprays
Oceanic plateau of the Hawaiian mantle plume head subducted to the uppermost lower mantle
On the Origin of the Highest Redshift Gamma-Ray Bursts
One Class Matrix Completion with Low Density Factorizations
On the Performance of Indirect Encoding Across the Continuum of Regularity
Parallel High-Order Integrators
Particle-in-cell techniques for the study of space charge effects in the Advanced Cryogenic Gas Stopper
Passive permeability controls synthesis for the allelechemical sorgoleone in sorghum root exudate
Physics of bandgap formation in Cu–Sb–Se based novel thermoelectrics: the role of Sb valency and Cu d levels
Phytochemical drug discovery for COVID-19 using high-resolution computational docking and machine learning assisted binder predication
Plant Terpenoid Permeability through Biological Membranes Explored via Molecular Simulations
PLAT domain protein 1 (PLAT1/PLAFP) binds to the Arabidopsis thaliana plasma membrane and inserts a lipid
Preventing diarrheal infections with household water treatment lessons from simulation models
PRIMO/PRIMONA: A coarse-grained model for proteins and nucleic acids that preserves near-atomistic accuracy
Proceedings of the 21st International Meshing Roundtable: An h-r Moving Mesh Method for One-Dimensional Time-Dependent PDEs
Rare isotope containing diamond colour centres for fundamental symmetry tests
Reducing the barrier to entry using portable apps
Relationship between induced fluid structure and boundary slip in nanoscale polymer films
Relationships between intra-aggregate pore structures and distributions of Escherichia coli within soil macro-aggregates
Reversible Unwrapping Algorithm for Constant-Pressure Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Search for the largest two-dimensional aggregates of boron: An ab initio study
Second-order selection for evolvability in a large Escherichia coli population
Second-order selection for evolvability in a large Escherichia coli population
Selective pressures for accurate altruism targeting: evidence from digital evolution for difficult-to-test aspects of inclusive fitness theory
Selective probe of the morphology and local vibrations at carbon nanoasperities
Shell and Shape Evolution at N=28: The 40Mg Ground State
Signatures of minor mergers in Milky Way-like disc kinematics Ringing revisited
Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Techniques for Computerized Tomography on GPU
Speeding up Scientific Imaging Workflows Design of Automated Image Annotation Tool
Speedup of fuzzy and possibilistic c-means for large-scale clustering
STEM inSight Developing a Research Skills Course for First- and Second-Year Students
Subgrid-Scale Models for Large-Eddy Simulations of Shock-Boundary Layer Interactions
Synthesis and Transformation of Linear Adamantane Assemblies inside Carbon Nanotubes
Synthesizing social and environmental sensing to monitor the impact of large-scale infrastructure
Taming salophen in rare earth metallocene chemistry
T-DNA characterization of genetically modified 3-R-gene
The Comprehensive Phytopathogen Genomics Resource: An electronic resource for data-mining plant pathogen genomes
The isoprene-responsive phosphoproteome provides new insights into the putative signalling pathways and novel roles of isoprene
The Properties of X-ray Cold Fronts in a Statistical Sample of Simulated Galaxy Clusters
The Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research: Regional Organization to Promote Computation in Science
The joint effects of efficacy and compliance: a study of household water treatment effectiveness against childhood diarrhea
The nature of the H2-emitting gas in the Crab nebula
The Nature of the Warm/Hot Intergalactic Medium. I. Numerical Methods, Convergence, and O VI Absorption
The role of standing genetic variation in adaptation of digital organisms to a new environment
The Shell-Model Code NuShellX@MSU
Twist-average Boundary Conditions for Nuclear Pasta Hartree-Fock Calculations
Two-Phase Filtered Mass Density Function for LES of Turbulent Reacting Flows
Untangling the contributions of image charge and laser profile for optimal photoemission
UPDAPS-Flood: a mechanistic-empirical flexible pavement analysis tool to evaluate the effect of flooding events on flexible pavement performance
WRF Model Sensitivity to Land Surface Model and Cumulus Parameterization
Research Services
ICER at the MSU Science Festival
Service Reports
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