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System Status

All HPCC systems are monitored using a variety of infrastructure tools. Many of these metrics are of interest to users and are made available on various websites.

National Science Foundation Grant Awarded for the MSU Data Hub

Michigan State University (MSU) researchers will have a new option to store, share, and archive research data thanks to a nearly $630,000 grant from the National Science Foundation. The grant, which is a collaboration between the Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research (ICER), IT Services, MSU’s Research Technology Support Facility (RTSF), the MSU Commons, and the MSU Libraries, establishes the MSU Data Hub...



Jumping Genes: Quantifying the Hidden World of Transposable Elements

Scott Teresi is a few days away from graduating with his Ph.D., but he has already left his mark on the field of bioinformatics with a novel tool that helps researchers understand a feature of DNA colloquially known as “jumping genes.” His tool has the potential to improve our understanding of everything that contains DNA, from the domestication of plants to diseases like cancer...

How your mental timeline guides memory formation and recall

Young, healthy adults who are good at remembering things are good at gluing events together in their memory based on how close they happen in time. When they search their memory, they can efficiently associate memories nearby in their mental timeline to improve their recall. This type of memory, known as episodic memory, is the research focus of Dr. Karl Healey...


PEARC24 ACCESS Support Hackathon Winner: Maryam Berijanian

ICER is excited to announce that Maryam Berijanian, Michigan State University doctoral student in Computational Math, Science, and Engineering and ICER user, was among the PEARC24 Intro to AI and Mini-Hack participants and won Best Originality/Creativity in the advanced category as well as a $3,000 travel award.

NVIDIA’s Grace Hopper Nodes Arrive at MSU’s Data Center to Push Boundaries of Computational Research

On the cutting edge of computer chip technology, the NVIDIA Grace Hopper Superchip promises to advance computational research beyond what was possible with previous hardware. The Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research (ICER) has installed four Grace Hopper nodes and one Grace CPU node for MSU’s high...

Renaissance Scientists in the Mendoza Lab Tackle Climate Change

José Luis Mendoza Cortés is working to solve some of the most important questions facing our planet. As a professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at Michigan State University, Mendoza uses the laws of nature to develop computational algorithms with...

Los científicos renacentistas del Laboratorio Mendoza abordan el cambio climático

José Luis Mendoza Cortés trabaja para resolver una de las cuestiones más importantes a la que se enfrenta nuestro planeta. Mendoza, profesor de Ingeniería Química y Ciencia de Materiales en Michigan State University, usa las leyes de la naturaleza para desarrollar...

From Zero to One Billion: ICER Reaches High-Performance Computing Milestone

ICER's roots date back to 2005, although the name "Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research" had not been coined yet. The first system had 64 cores and 256 GB of RAM. Now, ICER has hundreds of nodes with twice as many cores, each over ten times faster than that first system. The storage has increased...

Tips for GPU Computing on HPCC

Know whether your software has GPU support and how to run it. Check with the software release notes to find out if the software ...

Reminder for Users Transferring Data from Google Drive to the HPCC

For ICER users impacted by the upcoming Google Drive storage limits announced by MSU IT, please be mindful if you choose to move data from Google Drive to the HPCC. Your scratch space can be used to stage data you want to move, but remember that scratch space has a purge policy. Files that have not...

ICER Courses in Fall 2024 - HPC with Python and Reproducible Computational Workflows

The Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research, in partnership with the Department of Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, will teach two graduate courses in fall 2024: "High-Performance Computing with Python" and "Reproducible Computational Workflows." The overarching goal of these...

A Day in the Life of a System Administrator

True or false: system administrators are introverts who love caffeince and Szechuan food. Find out from Kelly Climer, an ICER sysadmin, who took us behind the scenes to learn about his profession.

2023 Cloud Fellows Embark on Journey of Innovation

ICER is excited to introduce the members of the 2023 Cloud Computing Fellowship! The program is dedicated to equipping academic researchers with the knowledge and experience required to harness the power of Cloud Computing.

4th Annual Cloud Computing Fellows Symposium

Join us on May 5th for this year's Cloud Computing Fellows Annual Symposium! We are excied to celebrate the accomplishments of this year's cohort while learning more about the incredible work they've done. 

ICER's Supercomputer and Super Staff Contribute to XPRIZE Competition

Experts from MSU were part of an xprize Rainforest team that surveyed biodiversity in a dense jungle. Data analysis required extensive computational capacity, so the scientists turned to ICER's supercomputer resources and human expertise. 

ICER Research Highlight Video Receives Best in Show w3 Award

We are proud to announce that the ICER research highlight "The Puzzle of Topological Data Analysis", featuring Dr. Liz Munch and created by Michelle David, won the w3 awards for Best in Show - Science and Technology Video.

ICER Research Consultants Teach CMSE 890 Courses

ICER Research Consultants Dr. Claire Kopenhafer and Dr. Andrew Fullard will teach CMSE 890 in the Fall 2023 semester.

Undergrads Experience Computational Research in Summer Program

As summer draws to a close, ICER reflects on the fantastics cohort of undergrads in the 2023 ACRES REU program! Read about their successful summer filled with research and development and hear from students about the impact of their time in the program.

Addressing Security Vulnerabilties in Smart Homes

Internet of Things provides users with great convenience in smart homes but have potential vulnerabilities that can compromise security and privacy. ICER user and former Cloud Computing Fellow Guangjing Wang has proposed a solution.

ICER at the MSU Science Festival

Stop by ICER's booth at the MSU Science Festival expo zone! While supplies last, pick up a free pair of VR glasses to take the 360-degree virtual tour of MSU's supercomputer and grab a copy of our beautifully illustrated graphic novel about supercomputing. We also have a "silicon petting zoo" for a hands-on experience with supercomputer parts, and a simulation designed to introduce the concept of parallel computing.

Biologically Inspired Artificial Immune Systems for Computers

When her biological immune system failed her, Katherine Skocelas became fascinated with natural and digital immunity. How a PhD student, she develops biologically-inspired artifical immune system algorithms.

New AMD22 Cluster CPU Nodes Ready for Use

The new 'AMD22' CPU cluster nodes are ready for use ahead of schedule! The cluster contains buy-in and non-buy-in nodes connected with a high-speed 100 gigabit network.

Introducing the 2022 MSU Cloud Computing Fellows

We are proud to introduce the latest cohort of the MSU Cloud Computing Fellowship. The fellows have begun phase one: a series of educational group sessions and workshops about cloud computing.

ICER Welcomes New Director of User Support: Dr. Dirk Colbry

ICER communications recently stopped by Dr. Dirk Colbry's office to chat about his new role as the Director of User Support at ICER. 

Ripples in Space Reveal Information about Distant Explosions

Much like the ripples in a pond, ripples in space provide information to an observer about the source of the ripple. Check out our research highlight to see how Dr. Mike Pajkos studies gravitational waves to gain new information about our cosmos.

Learning to Think in Parallel: From Fieldwork to High-Performance Computing

For Dr. Rachel Toczydlowski, the title Computational Biologist still seems strange. Having started her career with fieldwork, adding the descriptor "computational" did not feel natural. Incorporating high-performance computing into her repertoire has opened new avenues and changed aspects of how...

Letter From the Director: Survey Results Inform Future Directions

Dear colleagues, I'm writing to you regarding the survey that ICER recently administered to our allocation Pls and users, as well as to potential users of research computing. I would like to express my thanks to the 462 people who took the time to complete the survey. It is clear that ICER's...

Tracking the Progress of Your Submitted Ticket

Each ticket submitted to ICER has a corresponding webpage that hosts all the correspondence between ICER staff and the user who filed the ticket. Along with the emails written back and forth, a web view can greatly enhance readability and, more importantly, help you keep track of the progress of...

Introducing the 2021 MSU Cloud Computing Fellows

MSU's Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research (ICER) and the ITS Analytics and Data Solutions (ADS) group are proud to announce the next cohort of MSU Cloud Computing Fellows! Congratulations to: Ann Alex, Ph.D./ Institute for Quantitative Health Science & Engineering Giovan Cholico, Ph.D /...

MSU Cloud Computing Fellowship - Application Deadline Friday, July 30, 2021

Dear colleagues, MSU's Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research and MSU IT Services are accepting applications from MSU doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers to join the third cohort of MSU Cloud Computing Fellows. We particularly encourage applicants from areas that do not typically use...

Cloud Computing Fellowship Culminates in Impressive Symposium

What do movie trailers, rib fractures, and mummified corn have in common? Admittedly, not a lot. One similarity is that these topics, and many more, were explored by the MSU 2020 Cloud Computing Fellowship cohort. 

Prevent File Loss on the HPCC

From time to time, we receive requests from users to restore their deleted files. In this article, we would like to share with our users some tips and tricks for preventing file loss. First, users will need to understand the file system on HPCC so that they can store their files in the right...

Using Powertools With the HPCC

Powertoolds is a collection of software tools and examples that allows researchers to better utilize High Performance Computing (HPC) systems. Powertools was created to help advanced users use the High Performance Computer Center (HPCC) more effectively. By default, powertools is loaded when users...

Using OnDemand for Python Programming on the MSU HPCC

Click the link below to learn more about using OnDemand for Python programming on MSU's HPCC. This instructional document contains a step-by-step explanation with screenshots that will guide users through the start-up process. Instructional Document: Using OnDemand for Python Programming Laura...

Checklist to Improve Your Job's Scheduling Time

Here is a checklist to help improve your job's scheduling time: 1. Run command "sq <NetID>" or "squeue -u <NetID>" to show the jobs in the queue. If a job is Pending, the last column will show the reason provided by SLURM. Here are common reasons with their meaning: a. Priority: Job...

Letter From the Director: Support for Instructors

Dear Colleagues, now that the spring semester is over and you have submitted your grades, I am writing to let you know about some FREE tools and services that the Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research (CER) provides for MSU instructors who are interested in increasing the amount of computation or...

MATLAB 2021a Is Installed and Ready For Use

As many users may have noticed, the MATLAB/2021a module has been installed on HPCC and is ready for use. Users can check the release note for details of changes at this link. Among the changes and updates in the new version, there is one thing I would like to bring to the attention of Matlab users...

Supercomputing Resources for Social Scientists at MSU

ICER's Director of Training, Dr. Laura Harris, will present Supercomputing Resources for Social Scientists at MSU on Friday, May 14th, at noon. This presentation will be part of MSU's Social Science Data Analytics (SSDA) initiative. "At the Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research (ICER), we provide....

SLURM Job Failure Due to the "oom" Error

Many users have asked us how to deal with error messages such as: slurmstepd: error: Detected 2 oom-kill event(s) in StepId=xxxxx.batch cgroup. In the above message, oom stands for "out of memory". It means that your process needs more memory than what is available. Therefore, you need to request...

Faster Distributed Machine Learning for Free

If one computer can process a set of data in 10 hours, it would be reasonable to assume that 10 computers could process that data in one hour. The research of Xiaorui Liu, an MSU graduate student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, reveals that this is not the case. The...

Announcing the 2021 HPC-AI Challenge

The Internationa Society for Computational Biology is pleased to announce the HPC-AI Advisory Council (HPCAIAC) and National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC) Singapore 2021 APAC HPC-AI Competition. High-performance computing and artifical intelligence are the most essential tools fueling the...

Combining Artificial Intelligence and Chemistry to Identify Molecules

At the intersection of artificial intelligence and chemisty, Kiyoto Tanemura is working to develop a method for identifying molecules based on information about the nature of their collisions. Tanemura, and MSU graduate student studying computational chemistry in the lab of Dr. Kenneth Merz, Jr.,...

Using Deep Learning to Enhance Fingerprint Biometrics

Joshua Engelsma is a graduate student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at MSU. Advised by Dr. Anil Jain, he works on pattern recognition and image processing with multiple applications in biometrics. Joshua's interest in this field came from undergrad, when he was exploring...

ICER Student Highlights: Zhuowen Zhao

Understanding Plastic Deformation in Polycrystalline Metallic Materials using Solid Mechanics Simulation and Machine Learning. Zhuowen Zhao is graduate student pursuing a PhD in Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science (CHEMS) at Michigan State University. His research under...