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Portrait of Andrew FullardDr. Andrew Fullard

Research Consultant, MSU Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research
1450 Biomedical Physical Sciences Building

Link to CV

Bio: Dr. Andrew Fullard began his MSU career as a postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, working on the open-source supernova code TARDIS in a management and programming role. He obtained his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Denver, specializing in observations and modeling of massive stars with polarization measurements.

Dr. Fullard has research interests across the lives and deaths of stars, from white dwarfs becoming Type Ia supernovae to massive stars producing neutron stars and black holes. He has expertise in machine learning, high-performance Python and Fortran software applications, development workflows and management for large projects, and applying statistical inference to data with theoretical models. He has extensive successful proposal-writing experience.

Dr. Fullard is currently collaborating closely with Prof. Wolfgang Kerzendorf on the TARDIS radiative transfer code.

Research and technical skills:

  • Programming languages: Python, Fortran
  • Machine learning with tensorflow and scikit-learn
  • Parallel programming with MPI and OpenMP
  • GUI programming in Python with Qt
  • Expertise in open source development, git workflow, software development management
  • Scientific expertise in astronomy, physics, especially supernovae, massive stars, radiative transfer, and polarimetry

Selected publications:

  1. New Mass Estimates for Massive Binary Systems: A Probabilistic Approach Using Polarimetric Radiative Transfer, Fullard et al. 2022 The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 930, Issue 1
  2. A Multiwavelength Search for Intrinsic Linear Polarization in Wolf-Rayet Winds, Fullard et al. 2020 The Astronomical Journal, Volume 159, Issue 5