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Numerical Investigations of Shock-Turbulence Interactions in a Planar Mixing Layer

Year of Publication:



Li, Z, Jaberi, FA

Conference Name:

48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting


Direct numerical simulation (DNS) and large-eddy simulation (LES) of spatially developing supersonic mixing layer, interacting with an oblique shock wave are conducted with a new high-order Monotonicity-Preserving scheme. Without the incident shock, the mixing layer grows linearly and exhibits self-similar behavior after the transition. With the shock, significant small-scale turbulence is generated just behind the shock. With an increase in shock angle, the intensity of the shock-generated turbulence is increased and its peak position shifts away from the mixing layer centerline. The effects of turbulence on the shock are also shown to be very significant, such that normal shocklets and large adverse pressure gradients are created in some conditions. Comparison with the DNS data indicates that the LES with the modified kinetic energy viscosity (MKEV) subgrid stress model is able to predict the main features of the flow and shock-turbulence interactions.