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Bioinformatics Consulting Service Survey

Dear Colleagues,

MSU’s Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research and Research Technology Support Facility are exploring needs relating to a potential bioinformatics consulting program.  Our goal is to gain a better understanding of the populations of MSU researchers that may require a bioinformatics consulting service, the types of services that they may be interested in, and how researchers see such a service fitting into their existing research, grant-writing, and dissemination activities. We plan to use this understanding to inform the creation of a bioinformatics consulting program and the skillset of the experts that we hire to staff it.

In support of this effort, we ask that any MSU researchers, research support staff, administrators, and any other interested parties take a few minutes to fill out a short survey about bioinformatics needs that can be found at this link(MSU login required). In addition, we request that you forward this email to anybody who you feel may benefit from filling it out. The survey closes on Friday, August 19th.

Thank you in advance for your feedback!

Bill Henry, Director of RTSF
Brian O’Shea, Director of ICER