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Using VS Code to Connect to the HPCC

If you're a Visual Studio Code user (or want to be one), check out these tips!

Did you know you can use VS Code to connect to the HPCC?

You can edit files, access terminals, and run commands on the HPCC directly from VS Code. To get started, follow these instructions on our documentation.

Are you already using VS Code to connect to the HPCC?

The HPCC has been having issues with VS Code connecting to gateway nodes. As a reminder, gateway nodes should not be used to run programs, including the servers that VS Code starts behind the scenes. So when you choose where to connect with VS Code's Remote Development extension, always make sure to use a development node and never a gateway node.

If you have any questions or need help connecting VS Code to the HPCC, contact us and we'll be happy to help!

Craig Gross
ICER Research Consultant