Upcoming File Storage Migration
Xiaoge Wang, iCER Research Consultant
As many HPCC users have noted, there is ongoing migration of user’s home directory and research space to a new file storage system. We advise our users to read this wiki page (https://wiki.hpcc.msu.edu/display/ITH/ufs18+home+directory+migration), understand the changes on the new file system, watch the progress of this migration and be prepared to take necessary actions.
Some frequently asked questions and answers are posted for your reference:
Q1: How do I find which server my home or research space is on?
A1: Use the following commands to find the file server where your home/research space is located:
● For home space: df -h $HOME
● For research space: df -h /mnt/research/
For example:
[wangx147@dev-intel18 ~]$ df -h /mnt/research/common-data
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
ufs-12-b.i:/b12/u/rs/common-data 2.T 1.T 90G 57%
shows that research space common-data is on server ufs-12-b.
[wangx147@dev-intel18 ~]$ df -h /mnt/home/class0
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
ufs-12-b.i:/b12/u/home/class0 50G 1.0M 50G 1% /mnt/home/class0
show that user class0 has home directory on server ufs-12-b as well.
If the output shows the Filesystem as ufs18, this means the space has already been migrated to the new system.
[wangx147@dev-intel18 ~]$ df -h /mnt/research/helpdesk
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
ufs18 3.5P 1.6P 1.9P 45% /mnt/research/helpdesk
Q2: What do I need to know or do before my home/research space is migrated?
A2: On the day of scheduled migration, the file servers being migrated will be completely inaccessible to users. All users with home space on those servers will be unable to login. All jobs running on those file servers would be terminated. It is the user’s responsibility to manage their jobs to avoid an unnecessary loss of jobs. Users can hold their jobs before the scheduled migration time using scontrol hold and release the hold using scontrol release . In this way, your queue time may be saved.
Q3: If I still can’t login after migration has been completed, what should I do?
A3: In some exceptional cases, although the migration is completed, user accounts may not be automatically enabled and may thus need to be manually activated. If you notice this problem, please submit a ticket immediately to https://contact.icer.msu.edu.
Q4: df -h $HOME doesn’t show the correct storage usage after migration. How could I find the usage of my disk space?
[wangx147@dev-intel18 ~]$ df -h $HOME
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
ufs18 3.5P 1.6P 1.9P 45% /mnt/home/wangx147
A4: After migration to ufs18, please use the command quota or the powertools command myquota to show the disk usage instead. These two commands provide the same usage information. Additionally, the command myquota includes the fileset name.
Example of myquota output:
[wangx147@dev-intel18 bin]$ myquota
Home Directory:
/mnt/home/wangx147 Quota Used Free Files Quota Files Used Files Free
ufs.hpcc.msu.edu/home-023 1024G 567G 457G 314572 186253 128319
Research Groups: Space Space Space Files Files Files
Quota Used Available Quota Used Available
common-data 2.0T 1.2T 890G N/A 1.2T N/A
helpdesk(rs-011) 10240G 5889G 4351G 31457280 24692116 6765164
Temporary Filesystems:
/mnt/ls15 (legacy scratch) Inodes Used Quota Free
36996 1000000 963004
/mnt/scratch (/mnt/gs18) Space Quota Space Used Space Free Filess Quota Files Used Files Free
1G 0G 1G 1048576 498011 550565
/mnt/ffs17 Used Quota
0By 100.00G
The output above shows the user’s disk usage. Note that this user’s home directory is on ufs18 with fileset as ufs.hpcc.msu.edu/home-023. It also shows that the user has two research group spaces: helpdesk on ufs18 with fileset ufs.hpcc.msu.edu/rs-011 and common-data which is not yet been migrated (group name is not followed by the fileset name in parenthesis).
Q5: Why might the disk usage shown in quota after migration different from the disk usage before migration?
A5: As the noted here (https://wiki.hpcc.msu.edu/display/ITH/ufs18+home+directory+migration), the compression algorithm used in the new system is different, so you will likely notice a larger usage on the new file system. In some exceptional cases, the usage reported under “Used” may be less than your actual usage. This is likely because the space contains some files where the group name or owner name is not consistent with attributes of the space so the quota command does not count those files into the “Used” bucket. Please submit a ticket if you find such cases so we can help you fix this issue.
Q6: My program ran well before the migration, but after migration I get a “Disk quota exceeded” message. How do I resolve the problem?
A6: This problem could be due to either the increase in file size or the new quota limit on the number of files implemented upon migration as noted here:
https://wiki.hpcc.msu.edu/display/ITH/ufs18+home+directory+migration. The solution is to reduce your usage. Consider the following options for reducing your storage:
● Delete or backup unused files or folders to external spaces if you can,
● Use the tar or zip command to pack an entire directory into a single archive file and store only the archived file when the directory is not in use. You can later unpack the archived file to your scratch space when you need it.
If you need assistance with resolving disk quota issues, please submit a ticket to https://contact.icer.msu.edu or visit our help desk on Mondays and Thursdays from 1-2p in BPS 1440.