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R Package R2OpenBUGS Available on the HPCC

OpenBUGS is a software package that performs Bayesian inference Using Gibbs Sampling. The latest version of OpenBUGS on the HPCC is 3.2.3. R2OpenBUGS is an R package that allows users to run OpenBUGS from R. 

To load R and OpenBUGS, run:

module purge
module load GCC/7.3.0-2.30  OpenMPI/3.1.1 R/3.5.1-X11-20180604
module load OpenBUGS

Then, in your R session, use "library(R2OpenBUGS)" to load this package.

Please feel free to contact us (CONTACT LINK) if you have any questions. 


Nanye Long
Research Consultant
Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research