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R on the New CentOS 7 Nodes

For R users who are migrating to the new CentOS 7 system, this is a short notice for you.

Although we installed multiple versions of R in the new cluster system, the only one that is being actively maintained is 3.5.1 built with the latest EasyBuild toolchain (foss 2018b). To load this version, please run the following commands:

module purge

module load GCC/7.3.0-2.30 OpenMPI/3.1.1

module load R/3.5.1-X11-20180604

Some users may have a local R package directory specified in ~/.Renviron; this may create a problem if you load your local packages which were built with an older version of R. Unless you have updated them all, we recommend that you launch R by "R --no-environ" which suppresses the search of local packages.

If you need help with R package installation, please submit a ticket.