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How to Change Permission on Shared Research Space

We have recently received several tickets about permission on HPCC file systems in their shared research space. Although this is a basic concept and operation of the Linux system, it bothers many users since we seldom use Linux systems for our personal computer. We also provide a HPCC wiki page for this particular issue.

Basically, group users can create files or directories in their research space. The default permission setup will allow any other group users the ability to read, write or execute them, even if they are copied from your home directory. However, if you copy with the command "cp -p" (rather than just "cp"), the files or directories will use the original permission rather than the default permission setup, so other group users might have problems accessing them. If you have a problem accessing any directory or file in your research space, please check its owner by referring to the above HPCC wiki page. Ask the owner to follow the direction to change the permission so you can access it.

If you have any further question, please feel free to contact us.