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The Page 1 give the following insights, 1. At the top, there's a heading "ICER SERVICE REPORT" in bold, large font, with the date "Sept. 2023" aligned to the right. 2. Below the heading, there's a donut chart with the caption "NUMBER OF RESEARCHERS UTILIZING ICER’S SERVICES." The chart is dominated by a large segment representing "Compute 95%" in a teal color, and a much smaller segment representing "Support 14%" in a yellow color. A numerical value of "1,305" is centered within the donut chart, likely indicating the number of researchers. 3. In the middle section, two overlapping circles form a Venn diagram labeled "NUMBER OF USERS ACCESSING ICER COMPUTE SERVICES." The circles are labeled as "Batch Queue/Cluster" and "Developer/Login Nodes," and there are three numerical values indicating the number of users in each category: - The left circle (Batch Queue/Cluster) is a darker shade and has "87" outside and overlapping with the right circle. - The right circle (Developer/Login Nodes) is a lighter shade and has "688" outside and overlapping with the left circle. - The overlapping section in the middle, which is the darkest, has "462" indicating the users who are counted in both categories. 4. On the right side of the Venn diagram, there's a text box providing additional context: - It explains that the figure shows a breakdown of users who accessed ICER compute services. - "87 users accessed the developer nodes to submit jobs to the queue." - "688 interactive users utilized only ICER developer nodes to do their work. This includes users who: - Only need access to software (ex. Matlab, mathematica) - Are still in the software development process and have not submitted a job - Find development nodes sufficient for their research." 5. At the bottom of the poster, a statement in bold text reads "121 New User Accounts created in September," indicating the number of new user accounts for the month.

This is Page 2 , that provides insights into the usage of ICER's support and compute services, job processing details, and the unique user count accessing development nodes. Here's a detailed description of the various components of the report: 1. At the top of the image, the title reads "ICER SERVICE REPORT" in a large, bold font, with "Sept. 2023" aligned to the right, indicating the report's timeframe. 2. Below the title is a section with the heading "COMPARISON BETWEEN NUMBER OF USERS USING ICER SUPPORT AND COMPUTE SERVICE." It includes a large pie chart: - The chart's largest portion is a dark teal color labeled with the number "1120," representing users of the Compute service. - A smaller adjacent section in yellow with the number "117" represents users of the Support service. - The smallest slice, overlapping between the teal and yellow, contains the number "68," likely indicating users who utilize both services. 3. The middle section of the image features a line graph with the heading "Job Totals." This graph tracks three job states over time (Finished, Started, Queued) with different colored lines: - The Finished jobs are represented by a black line. - The Started jobs by a red line. - The Queued jobs by a blue line. - The x-axis of the graph seems to represent dates (although the text is too small to read precisely), and the y-axis represents the number of jobs, with a scale from 0 to 80,000. 4. A text box provides additional details on job processing: - "On a typical day, the scheduler processes approximately 115,806 jobs. This includes jobs that are queued, jobs that start, and jobs that end." - "Put in another way, the scheduler manages approximately 80 jobs per minute." 5. The bottom part of the image includes another graph with the heading "COUNT OF UNIQUE USERS ACCESSING DEVELOPMENT NODES." This is a bar graph that shows: - The x-axis labeled "Development Node Host Name" with different nodes named (e.g., "dev-intel14-020," "gateway-02," etc.), but the full names are mostly cut off. - The y-axis labeled "Count of Unique Users Accessing Development Node" with a scale from 0 to 700. - Each bar represents the count of unique users for the respective development node, with two of the bars (likely "gateway-02" and "gateway-03") being the tallest, indicating the highest count of unique users.

Page three focuses on ticket activity and resolution statistics, user messages, and a highlighted topic of the month. Here is the detailed narration of each section: 1. Ticket Activity Summary: - This area has a horizontal bar with three circular statistics and a singular small circle at the right end, each with a label beneath. - Tickets Created: A dark teal circle with the number 269. - Tickets Updated: A yellow circle with the number 335. - Tickets Resolved: Another dark teal circle with the number 249. - Open Tickets: A small circle, mostly yellow with a thin dark teal outline, contains the number 13. 2. Ticket Message Summary: - Below the ticket activity, there are two rectangular boxes with icons to the left. - Total Users' Messages: An icon resembling a person with a speech bubble, followed by the number 856. - Total ICER's Messages: An icon with gears, indicating settings or work, followed by the number 357. 3. Ticket Resolution Data: - To the right of the message summary, a pie chart shows the percentage breakdown of how quickly tickets were resolved in September. - The legend to the right matches colored segments to timeframes for message answers: - Dark teal represents messages answered within 5 hours: 35.56%. - Yellow represents messages answered within 5 - 12 hours: 17.93%. - A darker grayish teal for messages answered within 12 - 24 hours: 40.73%. - A lighter gray for messages answered within 24 hours - 2 days: 4.86%. - And the smallest segment in a muted yellow for messages answered in more than 2 days: 10.94%. 4. October Topic of the Month: - At the bottom of the image, there's a highlighted section with the heading "OCTOBER TOPIC OF THE MONTH." - This section features an image of a person with the name Andrew Fullard, identified as an ICER Research Consultant, and text next to him that reads "EASIER WAY TO LAUNCH INTERACTIVE JOBS ON THE HPCC." 5. Report Contributors: - At the very bottom of the report, the names of contributors are listed in a box: Michelle David, Jim Leikert, Kylie McClung.