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This page of the ICER Service Report is topped with the organization's name and the report month, October 2023. It primarily features a pie chart indicating that 1,378 researchers have utilized ICER's services, with a substantial majority (97%) using compute services over support (13%). Below the pie chart is a Venn diagram, showing the intersection of users between batch queue/cluster and developer/login nodes, highlighting that 77 users accessed the developer nodes and 791 used the interactive services. A textual explanation accompanies the diagram, detailing the nature of the users' activities. The page concludes with a prominent display of the number "110," representing the new user accounts created during the month.

The second page of the ICER Service Report, also labeled with October 2023, presents a comparison of the number of users utilizing support versus compute services, shown in a pie chart with the majority, 1,200 users, opting for compute services. Two additional graphs are provided: a line graph illustrating the daily job totals handled by the scheduler, suggesting the system processes approximately 106 jobs per minute; and a bar graph showing the count of unique users accessing different development nodes, with the host names of the nodes listed along the x-axis.

On the third page of the October 2023 ICER Service Report, there is a ticket activity summary that includes the number of tickets created, updated, resolved, and currently open. Below this, the ticket message summary is displayed with a count of messages exchanged between users and ICER. A pie chart breaks down the ticket resolution data, indicating the responsiveness of the support team with various time frames for message responses. The page also highlights the "November Topic of the Month," featuring an ICER research consultant, Craig Gross, who will discuss browser-based code execution tools. The contributors to the report are acknowledged at the bottom.