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The first image is a page from the "ICER Service Report" for May 2023, summarizing the usage of ICER's services by researchers. A pie chart shows that 1,546 researchers utilized the services, with 97% using compute services and 10% using support services. A Venn diagram below the pie chart displays the overlap between users of batch queue/cluster (121) and developer/login nodes (922), with 459 users accessing both services. Additionally, the image indicates that there were 79 new user accounts created in May.

The second image continues with the "ICER Service Report" for May 2023. It features a pie chart comparing the number of users using ICER support (44) and compute service (1,398), with an overlap of 104 users. There is a line graph labeled 'Job Totals' that shows the number of jobs queued, started, and finished on specific dates, and a bar graph that presents the 'Count of Unique Users Accessing Development Nodes', listing various development node host names along the x-axis.

The third image is another page from the "ICER Service Report" for May 2023. It includes a ticket activity summary with indicators for tickets created (229), updated (301), and resolved (240), with no open tickets remaining. A 'Ticket Message Summary' displays the total number of user messages (888) and ICER messages (292). The 'Ticket Resolution Data' pie chart illustrates the percentage of messages answered in various time frames. The "June Topic of the Month" section highlights that ICER research consultants teach CMSE 890 courses. The report's contributors are listed as Michelle David, Jim Leikert, and Kylie McClung.