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The first page is titled "ICER SERVICE REPORT" for March 2023. It has a clean and professional design with a mixture of green tones and minimalistic style. The page is divided into three sections. The top section features a large donut chart titled "NUMBER OF RESEARCHERS UTILIZING ICER’S SERVICES", indicating 1674 users with compute services dominating at 98% and support services at 10%. The middle section is titled "NUMBER OF USERS ACCESSING ICER COMPUTE SERVICES" and it has two overlapping circular diagrams illustrating the number of users in batch queue/cluster versus developer/login nodes. It mentions specific figures: 583 users accessed the developer nodes and 999 interactive users utilized only developer nodes. A sidebar text explains these figures in detail, emphasizing the use of developer nodes for submitting jobs and the sufficiency of development nodes for researchers. The lower section of the page shows "67 New User Accounts created in March".

The second page, also part of the ICER Service Report for March 2023, focuses on a comparison between the number of users using ICER support and compute service. A large pie chart shows the vast majority using compute services. The page also features two graphs. The first graph, a line chart, tracks the number of jobs with lines representing jobs finished, started, and queued, showing their daily fluctuation. The second graph, a bar chart, depicts the count of unique users accessing development nodes across various development node host names. A note below the first graph states that the scheduler manages approximately 161 jobs per minute.

The third page continues the ICER Service Report for March 2023 with a focus on ticket activity and message summaries. The top section includes a row of ring charts showing tickets created, updated, resolved, and open, with respective numbers. Below, there's a pie chart for ticket resolution data, demonstrating the responsiveness within various time frames. To the left, there are counters for total users' messages and total ICER's messages. A portrait photo of a man named Nicholas Panchy, an ICER Research Consultant, is featured under "APRIL TOPIC OF THE MONTH" discussing "ONDEMAND RUNNING MPI JOBS". At the bottom, there's a list of "Report Contributors" including three names: Michelle David, Jim Leikert, and Kylie McClung.