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The report is titled "ICER SERVICE REPORT" for January 2023. The layout is consistent with the professional and clean design seen in previous reports. The top section includes a donut chart titled "NUMBER OF RESEARCHERS UTILIZING ICER’S SERVICES" indicating 1584 users with a breakdown showing that 97% used compute services and 10% used support services. The middle section is captioned "NUMBER OF USERS ACCESSING ICER COMPUTE SERVICES" and contains overlapping circular diagrams showing the distribution of users across batch queue/cluster and developer/login nodes, with 434 users accessing the developer nodes to submit jobs to the queue and 960 interactive users utilizing only developer nodes. The bottom of the page highlights that "212 New User Accounts" were created in January.

On this page, the "ICER SERVICE REPORT" for January 2023 continues with a section titled "COMPARISON BETWEEN NUMBER OF USERS USING ICER SUPPORT AND COMPUTE SERVICE". A large pie chart shows a vast majority using compute services over support. Additionally, the page features a line graph depicting the number of jobs that were queued, started, and finished, which highlights the operational flow of job processing. A sidebar text explains that the scheduler handles approximately 128 jobs per minute. Below the line graph is a bar chart titled "COUNT OF UNIQUE USERS ACCESSING DEVELOPMENT NODES" showing the frequency of user access across different development node host names.

The third page provides an overview of ticket activities with a "TICKET ACTIVITY SUMMARY" and "TICKET MESSAGE SUMMARY". It shows a series of ring charts and a pie chart detailing the number of tickets created, updated, resolved, and open, as well as the total messages from users and ICER. The "TICKET RESOLUTION DATA" pie chart breaks down the response times for messages. The "FEBRUARY TOPIC OF THE MONTH" features Adam Pitcher, the ICER Assistant Director, with a focus on "CHANGES TO THE GS21 SCRATCH FILESYSTEM". The report contributors listed at the bottom are Michelle David, Jim Leikert, and Kylie McClung.