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The report opens with a title "ICER SERVICE REPORT" for February 2020. The design is similar to the March 2023 report, with a clean layout using green tones. The top section shows a donut chart labeled "NUMBER OF RESEARCHERS UTILIZING ICER’S SERVICES" with a total of 1172 users, highlighting that 97% are compute users and 13% are for support. In the middle section, a title "NUMBER OF USERS ACCESSING ICER COMPUTE SERVICES" presides over two concentric circles representing the number of users in batch queue/cluster versus developer/login nodes, detailing that 570 interactive users utilized only developer nodes and 546 users accessed the developer nodes to submit jobs to the queue. Notably, a footnote states that data for workshops is not available for the month.

This page contains a header "ICER SERVICE REPORT" with the date "FEB 2020" and provides a comparison between the number of users using ICER support and compute service. A large pie chart illustrates the majority of users in the compute category. Below, a multi-line graph shows the number of jobs queued, started, and finished, with significant fluctuations over the month. An explanatory note mentions that the scheduler processes approximately 129,620 jobs, which translates to about 90 jobs per minute. The page also features a bar chart titled "COUNT OF UNIQUE USERS ACCESSING DEVELOPMENT NODES", displaying the number of users for various development node host names.

The third page of the report provides a detailed "TICKET ACTIVITY SUMMARY" and "TICKET MESSAGE SUMMARY". It shows circular diagrams and bar charts with numbers indicating tickets created, updated, resolved, and open, as well as the total number of users' messages and ICER’s messages. There is a pie chart labeled "TICKET RESOLUTION STATISTIC", which breaks down the response times into categories, from within 5 hours to more than 2 days. The "NOVEMBER TICKET HIGHLIGHTS" section introduces Nanye Long, a Research Consultant, with a topic on "HOW TO DEACTIVATE CONDA BASE ENVIRONMENT". The lower part of the page shows that 48 new user accounts were created in February.

The final page is a simple and clean "ICER SERVICE REPORT" for February 2020, listing the "Report Contributors". The contributors named are Camille Archer, Chun-Min Chang, Hannah Miller, Jim Leikert, and Xiaoxing (Adele) Han. The page is mostly blank, suggesting it may be the back cover or final section of the report, serving as an acknowledgement of the contributors' efforts.