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The first image is an "ICER Service Report" for August 2023. It includes a pie chart with the number 1,207 in the center, indicating the number of researchers utilizing ICER's services. The chart is divided into 'Compute' at 95% and 'Support' at 13%. Below this chart is a Venn diagram showing the overlap of users accessing batch queue/cluster services (178 users) and developer/login nodes (676 users), with 292 users utilizing both. There's also a summary box explaining the figure, and at the bottom, a highlight stating "309 New User Accounts created in August."

The second image is also an "ICER Service Report" from August 2023. This one has a comparison pie chart showing the number of users using ICER support (61) and compute service (1,050), with an overlap of 96 users. Below the pie chart, there's a graph labeled 'Job Totals' showing the number of jobs queued, started, and finished over a period of time. Additionally, there's a bar graph showing the 'Count of Unique Users Accessing Development Nodes' with various nodes listed on the horizontal axis.

The third image is another "ICER Service Report" for August 2023. It focuses on ticket activities with a summary circle diagram showing tickets created (250), updated (325), resolved (236), and open (4). There's also a 'Ticket Message Summary' section with a total of 865 user messages and 308 ICER messages, and a 'Ticket Resolution Data' chart. The bottom section features the "September Topic of the Month" highlighting "RUNNING JUPYTER NOTEBOOKS ON THE HPPC THROUGH VS CODE" by Claire Kopenhaver, an ICER Research Consultant. The report contributors listed are Michelle David, Jim Leikert, and Kylie McClung.