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Dr. Nicholas Panchy

Research Consultant, MSU Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research
Biomedical Physical Sciences Building
Link to CV


Bio: Dr. Nicholas Panchy is a Research Consultant at the Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research. Prior to joining ICER in 2022, Dr. Panchy received his Ph.D. in Genetics from Michigan State University in 2017, where he studied gene expression in a variant of plant and microbial systems using bioinformatic and computational techniques. After receiving his Ph.D., he pursued post-doctoral training in mathematical modeling in the lab of Tian Hong at the University of Tennessee Knoxville (2017-2022).

Research and technical skills:

  • Actively practicing and teaching scientific programming in Python and R
  • Prior experience in C++, C-sharp, MATLAB, and Mathematica
  • Experienced with pre-processing, cleaning, and investigation of large-scale omics data using both statistical and dimension-reduction based approaches
  • Experienced with genome assembling, annotation, and alignment algorithm using both short and long reads

Selected Publications

  1. Panchy N, Watanabe K, Hong T. Interpretable, Scalable, and Transferrable Functional Projection of Large-Scale Transcriptome Data Using Constrained Matrix Decomposition. Front Genet. 2021 Aug 20;12:719099.
  2. Panchy N, von Arnim AG, Hong T. (2020) Early Detection of Daylengths with a Feedforward Circuit Coregulated by Circadian and Diurnal Cycles. Biophys J. 119(9):1878-1895
  3. Panchy N, Azeredo-Tseng C, Luo M, Randall N, Hong T. (2020) Integrative Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Multiphasic Epithelial-Mesenchymal Spectrum in Cancer and Non-tumorigenic Cells. Front Oncol. 9:1479