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Update to Computing Time Quotas Starting in January 2021

Starting on January 1, 2021, ICER will begin enforcing a limit of 500,000 core-hours per user per calendar year on the “general” (publicly-available) HPCC compute nodes, which is a reduction from the current limit of 1 million core-hours.  Users who exceed this limit will no longer be able to submit jobs to the batch queue.  The goal of this change is to ensure a fairer distribution of resources among HPCC users.  PIs of users that exceed this limit may apply for additional time; information on how to do so will be available on the ICER wiki prior to 1/1/2021.  Please note that users can check their computing time usage on the supercomputer from any of the dev nodes using the command “SLURMUsage,” which is found in the powertools module.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.