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SC19: HPC is Now

Supercomputing Conference 2019 booth

DENVER - The International Conference for High Performance Computing (HPC), Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC19) was held at the Denver Convention Center (November 17-22, 2019). ICER faculty and staff represented Michigan State University (MSU) during SC19 as an exhibitor on the floor of the exhibit hall, by attending classes, having face to face meetings with vendors, and presenting in the exhibit hall.

This conference assists ICER administrators and architects of the MSU HPCC to design, manage, and maintain leading edge services, hardware and software for maximum user directed computational output. This space and time allows for an opportunity to walk down each and every row and talk with exhibitors as ICER faculty and staff begin to construct the 2020 Cluster purchase. When you enter the exhibit hall you begin to realize how many different companies, educational institutions, and vendors are involved with HPC. All aspects of the systems were covered from hard drives, cooling systems, to software and beyond.

Upon further touring of the exhibit hall, it is clear the Big Ten Universities had a strong presence within the exhibits. As academic institutions, similar to MSU, many of these exhibits highlighted life changing computational science research. Michigan State University and University of Michigan once again collaborated to present a unified front on the exhibit floor. Showing the world, it is imperative to put rivalries aside while working together to advance HPC, resulting in greater research output.

HPC System Administrator Kelly Climer attended SC19 for the first time stating, “SC19 was an incredible experience for me.” Attending HPC specific classes for days, interacting with colleagues in the MSU booth, visiting vendor exhibits, and attending SC19 functions expanded my current HPC knowledge. Getting a behind the scene look at different HPC vendor presentations was impressive and informative. All of this in addition to making new HPC specific contacts enriches my ability to be more effective as a system administrator for MSU’s HPCC.

SC19 was an awe inspiring event demonstrating “HPC is now.” as well as the future of HPC development. SC20 will be held November 15-20, 2020 in Atlanta, GA. ICER faculty and staff look forward to interacting with current colleagues and developing new relationships as the face of HPC continues to change and expand the impact of Michigan State University’s High Performance Computing Center.