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Grant Support for Computational and Data Science REU Supplements

Researchers with existing NSF grants or applying for new or continuing grants may apply for a NSF Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) supplement to support up to two undergraduate research assistants. If your grant has a computational or data science research focus and you wish to participate in the iCER/CMSE Advanced Computational Research Experiences for Students (ACRES) Summer REU, please contact the iCER/CMSE ACRES REU PI, Dr. Brian O'Shea to discuss your participation. In addition, iCER can provide you with the following documentation: 

  • A description of student activities, including research and technical training support provided through the iCER/CMSE ACRES REU.

  • Participant support budget estimate and budget justification. Suggested allowances for student stipend and othe support costs are $9K/student.

  • Applying for new and continuing grants, Dr. Brian O'Shea can provide a letter of support

  • Existing NSF grant holders, contact your Cognizant Program Officer. Send one-page project summary including intellectual merit and broader impact for feedback to the Cognizant Program Director. 

Important Dates

  • For REU supplements, you will need to provide the ACRES team with a student research project description no later than September 1st of the year prior to the summer ACRES will be hosting your REU students.

For more information on how iCER can support your proposal, or for more information about the services and support iCER can offer, visit or contact us.